
BeneCom℠ Corporation is a benefits communications consultant and enhanced benefits expert. That’s because we have been communicating benefits for over 24 years. Open enrollments are our spotlight – an event that we help oversee and plan, for the best possible results with little to no cost to you as an employer. 

Most of our work is done in partnership with a company like yours. As your company's benefits communicator, your expertise is helping your employees by offering choices, and ours is to maximize the success of those plans. We do this through our benefits communication and experience of taking all the information and relaying it in a way that all your employees understand what is available and how these plans work. 

Menu of Services Offered
  • Benefit Communication of existing or new platforms

  •  Employee education of how plans work

  •  Employee Benefits statements

  •  Onsite one-on-one meetings if requested

  •  Interactive and traditional materials

  •  New hire orientations

  •  Wellness Programs

  •  Group meetings | Large group briefings

  •  Spanish speaking consultants and enrollers

  •  Personalized Benefit Statements (HIPAA compliant)

  •  Benefits booklets

  •  Flexible Spending Accounts

  •  Dependent Day Care DCAP accounts

  •  Commuter Expense accounts

  •  Payroll Services

  •  Account Specific Websites

  •  Account Website Enrollment Systems

  •  FSA Debit Cards

  •  Health reimbursement arrangements

  •  Health savings accounts

  •  Commuter spending accounts

  •  Premium-only plan

  •  24/7 account information vendor IVR's/account website

  •  COBRA administration

  •  Electronic data imaging change

  •  Electronic data imaging enrollment

  •  Electronic data imaging reconciliation

  •  Employee direct billing

  •  Online services for policyholders

  •  Employee Surveys

  •  Corporate Messaging

  •  Marketing collateral and merchandise

  • Benefits Technology

  • Data Integration

  • Face to Face Enrollments

  • Call Center Enrollments

  • Smart Device Enrollments

  • Text and Video Messaging

  • Flexible, Configurable Systems

  • Case Specific Website builder

  • Enrollment Platform Video technologies

At BeneCom℠ Corporation, we go above and beyond what typical brokers and consulting firms provide in the way of benefits enrollment and communication. We understand in today's environment with Health Care Reform and ever-growing confusion, that education is the key to unlocking the value of voluntary benefit programs. That is why BeneCom℠ Corporation tailors an enrollment strategy to fit your company's needs and we commit to providing a personalized and professional benefits communication experience for your employees when it comes to core or voluntary benefit offerings. By implementing such valuable corporate services we assist in broadening your employee options while at the same time simplifying your internal processes. We do all of this with the most talented people, the latest technology, and with a true enthusiasm for advancing your business goals.